Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Week #1: Naturalists Blog Post

Alright, I'm not going to lie. Today was busy and the only place I was able to set up shop for my nature quiet time was on the benches and the grassy knoll outside of MCAD.
But this experience is something that I have missed. It was wonderful to sit and just listen, look around, I even met a new friend on campus in the short amount of time I spent outside.

It was truly a lovely experience. It was cool, not cold with very little breeze. The industrial hum emanated around me as I focused on not making noise.

Although it wasn't an ideal place to pay attention to nature, it was a good place to experience the organic elements interacting with the human elements. The ground was spongy, crunchy even. Today was around 40 degrees with was the gasping breath after the plunge of the winter cold. The patches of snow were pretty solid with many animal tracks in them. I even saw a bunny creep out from under its safe, warm hollow.

I am very ready for spring.

I promise my next nature post will involve a more appropriate environment. But I have to say that in the middle of the city, it's interesting to see what nature still exists and what it does for you when you notice it.

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. Your blog post was great. I agree I have been busy too and it was nice to sit and be quiet. Great photos. It is interesting to see how nature adapts and thrives in the city.
